Category Archives: Chirognomy

Fire Hands

Fire Hand  individuals have long palms and short fingers . They have an abundance of stamina which can alter life of considerable lot of people .Physically super dynamic, these people are constantly on the go, desiring adventure and excitement and often channelling their energy in sports. The life ...

Water Hands

Water Hand  people have a long palm with long fingers. They are highly imaginative, sensitive and emotional . They are Idealistic and may feel let down by others very easily . They are most sensitive and delicate in nature . They are romantic , poetic and spiritual personalities . We find soft ...

Air Hands

Air individuals have long fingers with square palms . They are alert , determined and analytical thinker . They are fast thinkers who with their theory , analysis , research and study goes deep in any subject . Air types are very intellectual, always curious and full of ideas and plans They need the...

Earth Hands

Earthy people have short fingers with square palms . This suggests a person with natural earthy elements . They are physically very tough , stable and conventional at soul . They like a systematic way of life, outdoor rural types , fond of physical activity, they hate being inside for long and have...