Earthy people have short fingers with square palms . This suggests a person with natural earthy elements . They are physically very tough , stable and conventional at soul . They like a systematic way of life, outdoor rural types , fond of physical activity, they hate being inside for long and have a natural affinity for nature.

They are wise and very moderate in their behaviour. They are naturally associated to their regional beliefs and conventional means . They play a vital role in maintaining their communal relationships with their realistic and humble nature .

They don’t prefer taking risk and prefer stable and long-lasting professions. These individuals are far away from analysing and investigating situations . Also, they don’t like to deep research into facts. They prefer to remain calm and don’t like to discuss a lot about their personal matters .

They are extremely patient and diligent. They prefer to work with their abilities and become excellent craftsmen, farmers, builders. They base their relationships on honesty, honour, integrity. They have good relationships with water people and try to stay away from Air and Fire based people .

Positive Attributes of Earth Hands are traditionalist , sympathetic , humble , devoted , nurturing , wise , realistic , trustworthy and tolerant .

Negative Attributes of Earth Hands are boring , change resistant , extreme , radical , pessimistic , stubborn , slow and uninspired .