Left Hand or Right Hand

Many People are bit confused whether they should refer Left Hand or Right Hand ?

Responsible hand reading is partially an art and partially a skill .

Left hand indicates inherent qualities of a human being however Right hand indicates changes bought by person through his own actions . This is the reason we should refer both hands however emphasis need to be laid on Right hand or active hand .

Active hand is the hand which is used by person to perform  all his activities . A person can be Left handed or Right Handed which is not gender specific .

If the lines on his Inactive hand are un-favourable and lines on Active hand are favourable then this means that person has improved his fate and life by his own actions .

However if lines on Inactive Hand are favourable and lines on Active hand are un-favourable then this means that person has born with good qualities however he has destroyed his destiny through his own actions .  

Conclusions should never be reached based on a single feature unless very prominent .  Both hands belong to same person so conclusion should be based on both hands .