As per  Modern Palmistry , human hand is classified into four basic categories – Earth , Air , Fire , Water .


Earth hands have square palm and short fingers. Normally there are few lines on this palm . The Earth person is very practical, reliable and is a solid character. This person is usually busy but can be a little impatient and critical. They are traditional at heart, solid, stable and down to earth. Practical, hard working and level headed.. They usually go with the flow of life and like to work with the earth so are often keen gardeners. They are likely to lead a long life and enjoy good health.


Air hands have  a square palm and long fingers. This person will be , detail-orientated and they need to be challenged in life so they will not get bored. This person will be highly intelligent and often intuitive. They can make their minds up very quickly and use a combination of feelings and logic to do so. Air people need lots of variety. Literature and information technology are likely fields of interest and talent. They are non-committal. They love freedom and independence and swing towards emotional detachment.


Fire person has long rectangular palm with  short fingers. These people are ideas driven, they are highly imaginative, versatile and enthusiastic but can be a little impatient. They are not inspired by the fine details and may lose interest before projects are completed. Physically super dynamic, these people are always on the go, needing adventure and excitement and often channeling their energy in sports. The Life and soul of a party, they are wonderful with  people spreading enthusiasm, wherever they go.


Water hands have rectangular long  palm and long fingers. The most sensitive and gentle type . Poetic and romantic, they are artistically and musically gifted.  Spiritual rather than religious . They are extremely imaginative, but also sensitive. Idealistic, they may feel let down by others and enjoy creativity. They have a passion for life but may suffer with nervous tension although often appear to be calm. They show deep concern for the suffering of others. They often work in healing and service professions or in networking and public relations.

We will further discuss each hand type in detail in coming blogs .