Many Palmists only analyze lines for reading hands however there are various other techniques in order to analyze person’s talents , characteristics and behaviour .

There are three methods to read Hands
1) Chirognomy
2) Chiromancy
3) Dermatoglyphics

It is the study of physical characteristics of palm .This includes shape of palm , colour of palm , flexibility of fingers and palms , length of Fingers , Mounts on Palm , length and width of palm .
By analyzing physical characteristics of palm one can easily judge person’s behaviour , nature , his capabilities .

It is the study of lines in our palm . It indicates talents , energies , destiny , health , relationships in our palm .
Lines do change, with positive approach towards life and a healthy life routine. They also discloses all the facts of all spheres of person’s life .

It is the study of skin patterns on our fingers, thumb and palms . It signifies character , nature , abilities and talents of a person .

So In nutshell , we should combine all the above techniques in order to analyze person’s talents and his destiny .